About the Coquet Shorebase Trust


The Coquet Shorebase Trust is a community based registered charity located on the Northumberland coast at Amble.

We utilise water based activity to enhance the lives of people of all ages from 8 – 80. As a charity we work with all sections of the community. A principal aim of our community activity is to help those who feel disenfranchised to develop the self confidence to become active members of the local community.

As a means to funding our charitable activity we provide water sports opportunities and training for all.

The Trust is also registered as a not for profit limited liability company, which protects the charity’s trustees from unlimited financial liability.

The Trust is a British Canoeing Quality Mark Activity Provider; a Royal Yachting Association registered Training Centre and holds a licence from the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority.

Overall management of the Trust is in the hands of the Trust Management Committee who oversee the running and operation of the Trust to ensure that we meet our charitable aims and conform to Company Law.

The general management and day to day running is carried out by a full-time volunteer manager, who is a fully qualified watersports Coach. Two former apprentices now work as instructors in the summer (and part-time on maintenance in the winter). Office work is ably managed by a part-time administrator/bookkeeper.

The Trust has 3 affiliated Clubs (Coquet Sailing Club, Coquet Canoe Club and Coquet Windsurfing Club). They are run by volunteers, including many qualified instructors, and offer affordable training and recreation opportunities for all members of the community. All equipment and craft can be used by Club members for a small fee. Each club runs a junior section with free instruction.

Although open to anyone, the Trust membership consists mainly of Club members and parents of Junior members. The Management Committee, Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are elected from the membership each year.

The Trust can also draw upon the services of volunteer Club Coaches to help run activities for other groups, and many of our junior club members are encouraged to qualify as instructors and work for the Trust in the holidays.